Dental Services & Information Blog Category

How Candy and Soft Drinks Affect Your Teeth

Monday, January 17th, 2022
various images of candy, soft drink, soda, and a smiling mouth with toothpaste.

As you may already know, frequently consuming foods and drinks that are high in sugar, such as soft drinks and sweets like candy and desserts can lead to tooth decay. So, which ones are the worst, you ask? Before we get to that, it is important to understand the decay process. What are the worst foods and drinks for my teeth? It may come as a surprise that it is not the sugar itself that directly causes cavities. The sugar we consume is metabolized by the bacteria in our mouths, and whereas we as humans metabolize sugar into energy, bacteria metabolize sugar into acid. It is the acid produced by the bacteria that eats away the mineralized structure of the tooth, leading to a cavity. The amount of time the acid is in contact with the teeth is also a major factor. Every time we eat or drink something with sugar, the bacteria in our Read the full article…

How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Quality of Life

Friday, January 7th, 2022

Even in spite of one’s best efforts to maintain proper oral hygiene, the loss of a tooth or multiple teeth is a very common problem that many people deal with in today’s society. According to the American College of Prosthodontics (ACP), it is estimated that 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth and more than 36 million Americans are missing all of their teeth. Tooth loss results most often from extensive tooth decay or gum disease and can lead to health issues such as poor nutrition, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. These issues generally stem from the fact that it is simply more difficult to chew and maintain a properly balanced diet without all of your natural teeth. Even when one single tooth is lost, it is a major compromise to how the system of one’s teeth and jaws, known as the stomatognathic system, is designed to function. Further, those Read the full article…

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Smile…From Home!

Monday, April 20th, 2020

As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, routine, non-emergency dental care has been restricted, making it more important than usual to stay up on optimal oral hygiene and dietary habits. The following are some commonly asked questions. Q: What are the worst foods and drinks for my teeth? As you may know, frequently consuming foods and drinks that are high in sugar, such as soft drinks and candy, can lead to tooth decay. It may come as a surprise that it’s not the sugar itself that directly causes cavities. The sugar we consume is metabolized by the bacteria in our mouths into acid. It’s this acid that eats away the mineralized structure of the tooth, leading to a cavity.The amount of time the acid is in contact with the teeth is a major factor. Every time we eat or drink something with sugar, the bacteria in our mouths produce acid Read the full article…

When to visit a dentist during the Michigan COVID-19 Lock down

Monday, April 6th, 2020
closeup of covid

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, Governor Gretchen Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-17 on March 20, 2020, restricting dental practices in the Michigan to performing only emergency dental care. This order is in place until the “state of emergency” declaration has ended, which at this time is still in effect with no end date yet announced. As a result, routine dental care such as dental cleanings and an array of other procedures deemed to be non-urgent are to be postponed until further notice. In order to comply with this order, our office will be contacting patients currently scheduled for non-urgent appointments and rescheduling them to a later date when we anticipate the order will be lifted. The following is a list of conditions that qualify for “emergency” or “essential” dental treatment Please call our office if you are in pain or if any of the above conditions arises during our Read the full article…

The Truth About Dental X-Ray Safety And Why We Need Them

Friday, January 18th, 2019
A safe digital xray cbct scan.

Dental radiographs (x-rays) are the only way to see in between your teeth to check for tooth decay (cavities) as well as to evaluate the jaw bone around the teeth, which is important in diagnosing periodontal disease (bone loss around teeth). Without dental x-rays, we cannot properly make these diagnoses. If x-rays are taken regularly, issues can be caught and treated before they become bigger (and generally more painful) problems.

Copyright © Christopher J. Manduzzi, DDS, PC 2024